Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Political Parties Need to Develop this Kid's Attitude

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I have a few minutes before Senior Master Sergeant Bledsoe becomes Cheif Master Sergeant Bledsoe so I figured there was time to put a post in. My boys from white team and I are going to post the colors for his promotion ceremony which should be good. He is a really good big boss since he is technically 3 or 4 tiers above my chain of command.

Sunday night consisted of me talking to numerous people for about 3.5 hours. Although at the end of the night I was exhausted and my ears hurt from having the phone pressed against them I was able to catch up with alot of people In Exemplum Karen Lewis, Dave Chesley, Patrick Clendenning, Audrey Schwinn, Cheryl Tullgren, and Jason Kaderlik.

Haunted houses aren't that scary if you don't stop yourself from laughing.

SATs are getting better well, not easier but I am developing a groove to work in and I hope the work will pay off. So far everything else in my life that I have put forth an honest effort in has come to me in one way or another; hopes are positive.

My goal has slightly changed though. The USAF Academy no longer offers a nursing major, last year's class was the last class that they offered a bachelor's of science in nursing. Thus my focus is now to enter one of the many nursing/commissioning programs that are offered. Requirements almost mirror that of the Academy so it is still difficult. However Air Combat Command(my major command my wing is under) offers 16 slots for Airmen to go to school on. The way I look at it is someone has to fill those slots and no reason why that someone can not be me.

Are any of you familiar with Sen. John Kerry's statement he made concerning education and the troops in Iraq? Exact words being "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” This was a messed up comment no matter what way you look at it. I still think he is an idiot and Barak Obama needs to knock this bitch out. However I did enjoy Kerry's speech when he came out kickin' ass' with "it is the administration that should give an apology..."

For a political closer to my already across the spectrum blog it seems as though all of the cracks each party makes to each other about each other is just that; only to each other. It seems as if the American public doesn't care about which politician served in a war and who said this and that; only the parties do. Citizens just want someone who they can entrust their voices in and to sort out the mess and in my opinion the name calling that they do to each other is childish to the point of disgust and a word I have been hearing from both parties when describing eachother 'despicable'.

Q: Why is it that NASDAQ showed record earnings last week but if you check out CNBC or any other media they say the economy is ready for chaos and about to recess? How can we have record highs and then potential lows? Can someone explain it to me because it feels like a mixed message.

Monday, October 23, 2006


In the greatness that is Ezra Horne -

I am procrastinating from studying my SATs.

In honor of your Ezra.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


It has been defined that I know absolutely nothing about women. Humiliation has prompted this epiphany. I really don't like myself right now.