Thursday, August 25, 2005

Two Reminders from the Divine

Although I was raised going to church with my mother most people who know me know that I am not a particularly religious person. I lean more towards the spiritual side of things versus organized doctrine. Anyways what happened today was definitely effected by some sort of higher power let me tell you!
Today was my block test for block 4: IP addressing. I had a really good grasp on the classwork & homework but when I was given the appraisal I did not really know where to start or how to build an IP address from some network id or any of the other jargon that was crammed into my brain. It was also found that a few other people felt the same way I did so at least I was not the only one.
After going over the homework and asking the teacher a number of questions the test started and I was totally 'out of control' was we like to say in the Air Force. The test was a learning experience in that I could have studied alot more than I had. Anyways I was sure that I was going to fail and get either washed back in the block or even worse yet very realistic discharge. But I finished the test and the teacher said that I barely passed - which I barely did w/ a 70. A higher power of some sort was looking down on me because man should I have failed this test. My heart was just preparing itself for a puncture and my guts psyching themselves into getting kicked out. But I passed so I will be going onto block 5 with all of my friends. After looking back over the test I dont understand how I passed other than having a divine light shed a little brighter over certain educated guesses that I made.
Later in the day - I just thought it was kind of funny. I was sitting for the bus to arrive while there was a huge thunder & rain storm forming. Contemplating the test earlier in the day I just had the thought of how the 'divine being' showed himself to me today by allowing me pass that test. As I got onto the bus the downpoor started and there were rolls & rolls of thunder. Grabbing a seat I saw a flash of lightning and I thought "oh thats just another reminder of who helped me pass today."

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