Okay, I have been posting blogs - however - everytime I went to load the post from the Library computers there would be a crash and my entire post would be lost. In all this happened to me about 3 times so I have been holding off...until now!!!!! I got internet in my room so I will definitely be posting a hella lot more.
I am a full blown big kid everybody. I took out a loan without a co-signer from the base credit union and bought Moxie, my red 2000 VW Jetta. He is so awesome. I love this car. As I was in the credit union signing the papers I was like - "OMG Maxx, what are you doing?" Not that I was unsure about this loan or car purchase it was more of the fact of 'wow, I am actually buying a freakin car myself and excepting all the responsibility that comes along with it. It is a crazy idea.
The car is named Moxie for two reasons. My friend Ezra Horne, www.ezrahorne.blogspot.com, who happens to be one of the great cinematic geniuses of our time just no one knows it yet, has the Virginia lincense plate of his 1980 something Toyota truck say 'Moxie' and he says how in Virginia or anywheres for that matter people would see it and shout statements like 'Yeah Maine, Yeah Lisbon Falls" and so on. I dont even really care for the beverage and neither does he but it is a cool homage to our beloved state. Secondly, the word Moxie itself says alot about me. Moxie is that extra spunk, push, pep in the step, blood rush that you get when doing something. I believe that it was moxie that has brought me to Beale AFB CA, doing the job that I did not think I was going to finish the training for let alone finish with good standing. Since this is my first financial step into adulthood, Moxie is the appropriate name because it had been my fuel.
Work is going really well so far. The impression I have gotten from other my coworkers and from overhearing NCOs(non-commissioned officers[e5+]) talking I have given a good impression on everyone. My attitude walking into the shop was I want to start learning and working as soon as possible. Motivation is the key to success in my opinion. Atleast so I have heard and learned.
As I said earlier I will be posting more as the days come and the adventure expands. So long I'm into the blue -
Hahaha, that is SO funny that we both posted about the same topic at the same time without knowing it.
It's too bad that the car isn't orange! ;)
Hey Maxx,
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so proud of you! By the way, awesome car!!
I hope to actually talk to you soon. We seem to be playing phone tag :)
- Karen
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