Did any of you ever have the experience of seeing your school teachers in an unprofessional setting outside of the classroom? Maybe you see them at a restaurant throwing back a few with other educators? One time I saw my english teacher in a mosh pit at a concert. You forget they are normal people.
Officers in the military are viewed in a similar manner. Generals and colonels who are the commanders of fleets of fighter jets, nuclear weapons, trained killers, brigades of medics and more must be professional while in the public eye right? *Except when they are at the air force ball!*
These people were insane, they made college fraternity & sorority parties appear tamed. As an honor guardsman I presented the colors, did the POW/MIA table and presented the General with his sword. The night had its highs and lows i. e. the prime rib could have been better but the band was at its own level of awesome. That is the only complaint that I can think of. Once the band got started the officers started dancing, these are 38+ year old people who had their wives/dates dancing on the tables, sucking face on the dance floor and grinding like drunken college freshmen. The Cheif on base did the worm for god sake. The other honor guardsmen and I (who are enlisted) could not believe the outrageousness of the general grade and feild grade officers.
My good friend Lacy and I danced the night away and it was absolutely the funnest thing I have done so far on Beale AFB. I forgot how much I really like dancing and supposedly people tell me I am good at it so that was nice.
Oh and I am going to Washington D.C. for two weeks with SSgt Wild who is one of the coolest cats around. We are going to be training with the Air Force Honor Guard. These are the guys who do burials at Arlington Cemetary, guard the tomb of the unknown soldier, conduct official ceremonies for the President and foriegn dignataries and who throw the rifles around. My excitement is peaked.
Check out the Air Force Honor Guard below...
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