Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the Historian & the Oracle

Music is spiritual to me. To me it is the form of human expression. I find religion to be a form of human expression but not a means in which to seek certain truths. Both preach to do onto others as you would have others done onto you, to love each other and so on. Where the two differ in my eyes is that music regardless of language, tempo, or progression does not attempt to set certain truths about life in our universe. Music simaltaneously plays the role of historian and oracle for the human race. It records our feelings in moments of duress and elation and can sometimes encompass them together in a single expression. Like its creators it is perpetual in its evolution, never stopping. For me religion sets its truths about the universe due to its on insecurities and thirst for power. Music for most of us, either consciously or subconsciously is a statement saying that even though we don't have the answers to certain questions it is the uncertainty of our existance that makes it worth living.

Thanks Van.

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