Tuesday, July 31, 2007

He's here with me

Usually the united states military would not permit for its members to watch movies, tv episodes or listen to music online. However it understands that boredom can attack its base worse than any insurgent and can detonate the troops morale. So it created a morale server with over 200+ movies and a huge music database to give a soundtrack to our deployment -

Getting to the point, searching through the movie listing they had an 1.5 long X-Men cartoon movie that was totally riveting. Then...

I saw him, he was standing there with his back to me, black hat, black suit, hands folding around his back, and I knew who it was before I read the album name. Van Morrison's Back on Top. I have traveled to the other side of the world and his music followed me. It will, and is currently augmenting my state of consciousness about my surroundings like only his music can. I smile and think "He's here with me." But I always knew he would be.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha! Van Morrison is a true friend... :)

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