I'm comin' back to Maine guys and gals
Clear your schedules and ditch your pals
Further on the 20th of December
I'll be introducing the Maxx you don't remember
So fresh & so clean, so firm & so tone
I'll make your mothers curse and sisters moan
I went off into the yonder
Becoming the 10th wonder
So if you see me, show some taste
Disrespect me, I'll fuck start your face
F-COMM bombs slowin' for attack
I'm no Slim Shady but guess who's back
Like the California women have sang
I'm comin' back like a fuckin' boomerang
Toss my salad!!!!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Back to New Basics
Sparks have ignited on dormant wicks. Things have been moving inside of me. Perhaps a wave of enlightenment? Maybe a scent of reflection? A more emphasized scense of consciousness. Yes that, a more emphasized scense of consciousness.
As many of you know I have a strong love for blues music in all of its forms. Suddenly it has been all that consumes my CD stereo tray. It has thus resulted in me pulling out the resonator, aka my steel guitar that came to me in New Orleans. Having not really played the guitar in over a year and a half it is as if I am heading back to new basics.
When I played guitar before I would walk into a music store and try to outplay the man next to me. If there was a local concert I thought of how I was better than the player on stage.(Let it be known there was a time when I could wipe the floor with a good portion of people however I tried doing this in New Orleans. There were a number of seasoned players in the music shop that through their playing told everyone else who the badasses were in the house.) Now as my box rests on my lap and on my chest, I strum the grooves and finger the licks with my ego diminished. Figuratively speaking my self confidence has risen since my senior year of highschool(last time I played guitar) so there is no need for me to search for an upperhand in my playing. My instrumentation is soley for the escape enjoyment factor.
I will be home in 13 days and my excitement is peaked. Christmas will be a good day this year. A schedule of events is slated in my head as far as things to do i.e. go shopping w/ Shelly Gamache, make death by chocolate for the Schwinn twins, go skiing w/ Dave Chesley + Shelly, visit with the grand mothers, eat one of my mother's very good casarols that she makes on cold winter days, run on my old route and of course go for a ride around the lake.
More to come as the spirit move me and the new basics arise.
P.S. Album to Listen to: Boogie Woogie Christmas - Brian Setzer Orchestra
As many of you know I have a strong love for blues music in all of its forms. Suddenly it has been all that consumes my CD stereo tray. It has thus resulted in me pulling out the resonator, aka my steel guitar that came to me in New Orleans. Having not really played the guitar in over a year and a half it is as if I am heading back to new basics.
When I played guitar before I would walk into a music store and try to outplay the man next to me. If there was a local concert I thought of how I was better than the player on stage.(Let it be known there was a time when I could wipe the floor with a good portion of people however I tried doing this in New Orleans. There were a number of seasoned players in the music shop that through their playing told everyone else who the badasses were in the house.) Now as my box rests on my lap and on my chest, I strum the grooves and finger the licks with my ego diminished. Figuratively speaking my self confidence has risen since my senior year of highschool(last time I played guitar) so there is no need for me to search for an upperhand in my playing. My instrumentation is soley for the escape enjoyment factor.
I will be home in 13 days and my excitement is peaked. Christmas will be a good day this year. A schedule of events is slated in my head as far as things to do i.e. go shopping w/ Shelly Gamache, make death by chocolate for the Schwinn twins, go skiing w/ Dave Chesley + Shelly, visit with the grand mothers, eat one of my mother's very good casarols that she makes on cold winter days, run on my old route and of course go for a ride around the lake.
More to come as the spirit move me and the new basics arise.
P.S. Album to Listen to: Boogie Woogie Christmas - Brian Setzer Orchestra
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Political Parties Need to Develop this Kid's Attitude
I have a few minutes before Senior Master Sergeant Bledsoe becomes Cheif Master Sergeant Bledsoe so I figured there was time to put a post in. My boys from white team and I are going to post the colors for his promotion ceremony which should be good. He is a really good big boss since he is technically 3 or 4 tiers above my chain of command.
Sunday night consisted of me talking to numerous people for about 3.5 hours. Although at the end of the night I was exhausted and my ears hurt from having the phone pressed against them I was able to catch up with alot of people In Exemplum Karen Lewis, Dave Chesley, Patrick Clendenning, Audrey Schwinn, Cheryl Tullgren, and Jason Kaderlik.
Haunted houses aren't that scary if you don't stop yourself from laughing.
SATs are getting better well, not easier but I am developing a groove to work in and I hope the work will pay off. So far everything else in my life that I have put forth an honest effort in has come to me in one way or another; hopes are positive.
My goal has slightly changed though. The USAF Academy no longer offers a nursing major, last year's class was the last class that they offered a bachelor's of science in nursing. Thus my focus is now to enter one of the many nursing/commissioning programs that are offered. Requirements almost mirror that of the Academy so it is still difficult. However Air Combat Command(my major command my wing is under) offers 16 slots for Airmen to go to school on. The way I look at it is someone has to fill those slots and no reason why that someone can not be me.
Are any of you familiar with Sen. John Kerry's statement he made concerning education and the troops in Iraq? Exact words being "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” This was a messed up comment no matter what way you look at it. I still think he is an idiot and Barak Obama needs to knock this bitch out. However I did enjoy Kerry's speech when he came out kickin' ass' with "it is the administration that should give an apology..."
For a political closer to my already across the spectrum blog it seems as though all of the cracks each party makes to each other about each other is just that; only to each other. It seems as if the American public doesn't care about which politician served in a war and who said this and that; only the parties do. Citizens just want someone who they can entrust their voices in and to sort out the mess and in my opinion the name calling that they do to each other is childish to the point of disgust and a word I have been hearing from both parties when describing eachother 'despicable'.
Q: Why is it that NASDAQ showed record earnings last week but if you check out CNBC or any other media they say the economy is ready for chaos and about to recess? How can we have record highs and then potential lows? Can someone explain it to me because it feels like a mixed message.
Monday, October 23, 2006
In the greatness that is Ezra Horne -
I am procrastinating from studying my SATs.
In honor of your Ezra.
I am procrastinating from studying my SATs.
In honor of your Ezra.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
It has been defined that I know absolutely nothing about women. Humiliation has prompted this epiphany. I really don't like myself right now.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Simplifying the Fraction
I distinctly remember saying to myself in highschool "Maxx, you're not college material." Maybe it was my junior year, maybe my senior year, the thought crossed my mind numerous times both years, and not to my surprise it still lurks in my mind.
Discouraging is not the word to match my frustration. Part of me feels like I have grown as a person and a learner but I haven't. Yes I joined the military to get away. Right now it seems as if only for that reason. Abandoning my problems and heading west has not been the way out. I still deal with the same things now as I did then; humility, envy, desire, simplifying fractions, weight, poor time management and frustration. It is as if I have only added onto my persona without losing any of the traits that hold me back. Perhaps it is just my make up and some things I can never releave which I expect.
I would sit in AP English & SUPA, Algebra II & Statistics and feel stupid because I was behind everyone else. I would try my hardest, at least what I thought at the time was my hardest and nothing seemed to work. After being pushed down for four years the last thing my heart and mind wanted was to be pushed down for another four years. My intelligence is not high. I was raised to listen to instructions, to obey directions and that is what I did in school not making me smart just dutiful.
When it comes down to it I am studying for the SAT which I took in high school and received such a poor score that I neglected putting it to memory. I need the SAT to get into the Academy which is right now all I can focus on. As I study, it is remphasized to me how I am not college material.
Discouraging is not the word to match my frustration. Part of me feels like I have grown as a person and a learner but I haven't. Yes I joined the military to get away. Right now it seems as if only for that reason. Abandoning my problems and heading west has not been the way out. I still deal with the same things now as I did then; humility, envy, desire, simplifying fractions, weight, poor time management and frustration. It is as if I have only added onto my persona without losing any of the traits that hold me back. Perhaps it is just my make up and some things I can never releave which I expect.
I would sit in AP English & SUPA, Algebra II & Statistics and feel stupid because I was behind everyone else. I would try my hardest, at least what I thought at the time was my hardest and nothing seemed to work. After being pushed down for four years the last thing my heart and mind wanted was to be pushed down for another four years. My intelligence is not high. I was raised to listen to instructions, to obey directions and that is what I did in school not making me smart just dutiful.
When it comes down to it I am studying for the SAT which I took in high school and received such a poor score that I neglected putting it to memory. I need the SAT to get into the Academy which is right now all I can focus on. As I study, it is remphasized to me how I am not college material.
Monday, September 25, 2006
the Air Force Ball
Did any of you ever have the experience of seeing your school teachers in an unprofessional setting outside of the classroom? Maybe you see them at a restaurant throwing back a few with other educators? One time I saw my english teacher in a mosh pit at a concert. You forget they are normal people.
Officers in the military are viewed in a similar manner. Generals and colonels who are the commanders of fleets of fighter jets, nuclear weapons, trained killers, brigades of medics and more must be professional while in the public eye right? *Except when they are at the air force ball!*
These people were insane, they made college fraternity & sorority parties appear tamed. As an honor guardsman I presented the colors, did the POW/MIA table and presented the General with his sword. The night had its highs and lows i. e. the prime rib could have been better but the band was at its own level of awesome. That is the only complaint that I can think of. Once the band got started the officers started dancing, these are 38+ year old people who had their wives/dates dancing on the tables, sucking face on the dance floor and grinding like drunken college freshmen. The Cheif on base did the worm for god sake. The other honor guardsmen and I (who are enlisted) could not believe the outrageousness of the general grade and feild grade officers.
My good friend Lacy and I danced the night away and it was absolutely the funnest thing I have done so far on Beale AFB. I forgot how much I really like dancing and supposedly people tell me I am good at it so that was nice.
Oh and I am going to Washington D.C. for two weeks with SSgt Wild who is one of the coolest cats around. We are going to be training with the Air Force Honor Guard. These are the guys who do burials at Arlington Cemetary, guard the tomb of the unknown soldier, conduct official ceremonies for the President and foriegn dignataries and who throw the rifles around. My excitement is peaked.
Check out the Air Force Honor Guard below...
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Lasagna & Bullshit Contracts
Last night I demonstrated my culinary prowess with a fantastic vegitable lasagna. The Gulliver's allowed me to utilize their kitchen. I think the key to it was how I did not use the cop out Ricotta cheese for the filling. The Italian cook book I had showed a bechamel sauce consisting of
3 cups of milk
1 cup of flour
1 bay leaf
3 blades mace (I used grounded mace)
Romano/Parmesan cheese
Salt & Pepper
You just cook the milk in a sauce pan on low for 2-3 minutes then add everything else and just sitr it with a wire wisk forever (6-8 minutes) probably more and it becomes thick and full of calories thus very tastey.
I suggest everyone go onto MSNBC.com for the full article but I am extremely angry about how the Army has decided not to buy an Israeli system called "Trophy" which uses radar attached to a vehicle to shoot incoming RPG(Rocket Propelled Grenades) out of the sky before they hit our troops.
Israeli tests show "Trophy" as being more than 90% accurate in its ability to protect the vehicles it is attached to. The Pentagon conducted an investigation of its own on the "Trophy" system and found that it maintained a 98% accuracy rate.
Israel and other nations are already using "Trophy" on their vehicles to protect their troops but the US Army is not. Why you ask? Because Raytheon, a favorite defense contractor, of whom many of their employees I work with on my own job, already have a contract to develop a similar system to "Trophy." However such a system is not proposed to be finished until 2011. Suppossedly the Army can not drop out of it's contract with Raytheon even though they have not even started on the product yet. For all those military members who know about contracts they know that it takes forever for the product to get to where it is needed and alot of times it is faulty. Everyone knows politics and the concept of quid pro quo.
People like me, Maxx, are dieing in Iraq and Afgahnistan because of RPGs hitting our vehicles. There exists a defense system that has a 98% protection rate however it will not be purchased and implemented due to political ties and financial contracts.
3 cups of milk
1 cup of flour
1 bay leaf
3 blades mace (I used grounded mace)
Romano/Parmesan cheese
Salt & Pepper
You just cook the milk in a sauce pan on low for 2-3 minutes then add everything else and just sitr it with a wire wisk forever (6-8 minutes) probably more and it becomes thick and full of calories thus very tastey.
I suggest everyone go onto MSNBC.com for the full article but I am extremely angry about how the Army has decided not to buy an Israeli system called "Trophy" which uses radar attached to a vehicle to shoot incoming RPG(Rocket Propelled Grenades) out of the sky before they hit our troops.
Israeli tests show "Trophy" as being more than 90% accurate in its ability to protect the vehicles it is attached to. The Pentagon conducted an investigation of its own on the "Trophy" system and found that it maintained a 98% accuracy rate.
Israel and other nations are already using "Trophy" on their vehicles to protect their troops but the US Army is not. Why you ask? Because Raytheon, a favorite defense contractor, of whom many of their employees I work with on my own job, already have a contract to develop a similar system to "Trophy." However such a system is not proposed to be finished until 2011. Suppossedly the Army can not drop out of it's contract with Raytheon even though they have not even started on the product yet. For all those military members who know about contracts they know that it takes forever for the product to get to where it is needed and alot of times it is faulty. Everyone knows politics and the concept of quid pro quo.
People like me, Maxx, are dieing in Iraq and Afgahnistan because of RPGs hitting our vehicles. There exists a defense system that has a 98% protection rate however it will not be purchased and implemented due to political ties and financial contracts.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Aug. 22 - yes it was a special day
I am officially a 20 something now. The sad thing being that in my immediate area there are no coffee shops around to reside at like most 20 somethings do on sit coms. Other than that I am doing well.
Friends are wonderful. Cheryl, Lacy & Joannie woke me up on Tuesday, (my birthday) with a sweet pair of Addidas, cards from each, and a cake. It reminded me of when I was little, my mother would let me open up a present on the morning of my birthday and then I would wait until later in the day to open the rest. She is great like that.
To have people that can give you the same comfort while away from home as you get from those who are at home is a special gift. To realize something like this on my birthday was the best coincidence that has occured in my life for a while.
Now Cheryl is here and some new surprise is going to happen - don't get any ideas people.
Friends are wonderful. Cheryl, Lacy & Joannie woke me up on Tuesday, (my birthday) with a sweet pair of Addidas, cards from each, and a cake. It reminded me of when I was little, my mother would let me open up a present on the morning of my birthday and then I would wait until later in the day to open the rest. She is great like that.
To have people that can give you the same comfort while away from home as you get from those who are at home is a special gift. To realize something like this on my birthday was the best coincidence that has occured in my life for a while.
Now Cheryl is here and some new surprise is going to happen - don't get any ideas people.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The title makes no sense jut felt like adding some flavor to the internet mindlessness.
Its been a while and still dont feel like adding a post and my new best friend Cheryl just showed up so I will be back later.
Its been a while and still dont feel like adding a post and my new best friend Cheryl just showed up so I will be back later.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Our Nation's Capitol
Rob Gulliver and I did a number on the streets of Washington D.C. Totally painted the town red. We hit all of the monuments plus the Smithsonian museums of American History and Air & Space. The american history museum had a bunch of really cool old cars that were really fun to look at. Air and space had alot of old planes which was nice. Being in the air force I am aware of cutting edge air and space technology and to see how far we have come was really something.
Alot of stuff happened during the day too - like getting locked out of the parking garage and then getting locked into the same parking garage and then almost running out of gas inside the locked parking garage. Yes it was a long ordeal and you should call me to hear the whole story.
Alot of stuff happened during the day too - like getting locked out of the parking garage and then getting locked into the same parking garage and then almost running out of gas inside the locked parking garage. Yes it was a long ordeal and you should call me to hear the whole story.
Monday, July 17, 2006
One Posh TDY
Reasons for this TDY being ridiculously awesome:
1. The first day of class we were released at 1300 since more than half the class had jet lag.
2. Rob Gulliver and I are driving around a brand new Ford Mustang
3. We got a $10 lawn ticket to see Huey Lewis & the News + Chicago. (Plus w/ the $10 ticket came a free Hardees' 1/3lb burger) So $10 bucks for a great show + a burger which usually costs 3.50!!
4. Nice weather
5. We are in Virginia Beach
6. I am getting a sweet Per Diem rate.
7. I sewed on A1C (Airman First Class aka 2 stripes on my arm)
Huey Lewis & the News are awesome live!!! They definitely jam out but not to the point where it is a self indulgent rock ego solo, they keep the crowd on their feet the whole time. Huey Lewis still sounds like he did in the 80s and the News was right on cue the whole night. Chicago came on and they sounded real good too, if I new more Chicago songs I would have enjoyed them more but with a career spanning as long as theirs, you would have to be a hardcore fan to know all of the songs in their repetoire.
Exercising is going well, I am feeling good about myself.
I have been in the Air Force for 15 months - hence the A1C. It has been a long time coming because now not only might I actually outrank someone but I will get more respect among upperranking individuals. The solo stripe of an airman yells "I'm new" but the 2 stripes of an Airman First Class usher in responsibilities as well as subtly saying "I know how things work around here." However when people look at my two stripes I hope to demonstrate to them that "I certainly don't know everything about how things work around here but I am on my way."
1. The first day of class we were released at 1300 since more than half the class had jet lag.
2. Rob Gulliver and I are driving around a brand new Ford Mustang
3. We got a $10 lawn ticket to see Huey Lewis & the News + Chicago. (Plus w/ the $10 ticket came a free Hardees' 1/3lb burger) So $10 bucks for a great show + a burger which usually costs 3.50!!
4. Nice weather
5. We are in Virginia Beach
6. I am getting a sweet Per Diem rate.
7. I sewed on A1C (Airman First Class aka 2 stripes on my arm)
Huey Lewis & the News are awesome live!!! They definitely jam out but not to the point where it is a self indulgent rock ego solo, they keep the crowd on their feet the whole time. Huey Lewis still sounds like he did in the 80s and the News was right on cue the whole night. Chicago came on and they sounded real good too, if I new more Chicago songs I would have enjoyed them more but with a career spanning as long as theirs, you would have to be a hardcore fan to know all of the songs in their repetoire.
Exercising is going well, I am feeling good about myself.
I have been in the Air Force for 15 months - hence the A1C. It has been a long time coming because now not only might I actually outrank someone but I will get more respect among upperranking individuals. The solo stripe of an airman yells "I'm new" but the 2 stripes of an Airman First Class usher in responsibilities as well as subtly saying "I know how things work around here." However when people look at my two stripes I hope to demonstrate to them that "I certainly don't know everything about how things work around here but I am on my way."
Friday, July 14, 2006
Scatter Brained in Virginia
Yes it has been a while since my last post. However after a recent conversation with a special person I was reminded that people still read my blog.
Virginia is nice, so far my Temporary Duty Yonder is working out pretty damn well. Langley AFB located in Norfolk is a sweet locale. A hell of a lot of traffic all the time but other than that there is everything that one would want to do. I am glad that Rob Gulliver is with me, there is really no one else that I would want to go TDY with other than him. He neither dishes out bullshit or puts up with it and that is admirable.
I got to see my buddy Brad Price formerly of the 338 TRS in Keesler AFB Mississippi now stationed at Langley AFB. It was nice to see him especially since I had not really seen him since Nov. 22 of last year. He looks good. It just goes to show how a regimented, secluded training environment like Keesler can really affect a person. Whereas an environment of freedom and respect & in Brad's case a better availability of beer can allow for a person to spread their wings and take off as he has.
Although it is hard not to notice but I am fat, weighing in at a plumb of 184lbs, which I am thoroughly upset about. It is called nightshift and late night snacks and it sux. My plan is to mutate into a gym rat.
One thing I am thankful in my life for is understanding people, specifically the understanding women. You know who you are. To have the ability to know where someone close to you is coming from when the two of you are so geographically separated...is amazing. Sometimes I wonder why some people put up with my antics but I have been taught to not question a good thing.
Virginia is nice, so far my Temporary Duty Yonder is working out pretty damn well. Langley AFB located in Norfolk is a sweet locale. A hell of a lot of traffic all the time but other than that there is everything that one would want to do. I am glad that Rob Gulliver is with me, there is really no one else that I would want to go TDY with other than him. He neither dishes out bullshit or puts up with it and that is admirable.
I got to see my buddy Brad Price formerly of the 338 TRS in Keesler AFB Mississippi now stationed at Langley AFB. It was nice to see him especially since I had not really seen him since Nov. 22 of last year. He looks good. It just goes to show how a regimented, secluded training environment like Keesler can really affect a person. Whereas an environment of freedom and respect & in Brad's case a better availability of beer can allow for a person to spread their wings and take off as he has.
Although it is hard not to notice but I am fat, weighing in at a plumb of 184lbs, which I am thoroughly upset about. It is called nightshift and late night snacks and it sux. My plan is to mutate into a gym rat.
One thing I am thankful in my life for is understanding people, specifically the understanding women. You know who you are. To have the ability to know where someone close to you is coming from when the two of you are so geographically separated...is amazing. Sometimes I wonder why some people put up with my antics but I have been taught to not question a good thing.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
the Older Young
Recovery for my wisdom teeth has gone well. My mouth hurt like hell on Sunday though, it was throbbing throughout the whole day and there were times when I didn't even want a mouth. However I have came through it despite there still being holes in my mouth plus the feeling of absent teeth.
There was this girl that I went on a date with where both she and I had a real good time, atleast the impression she gave out was that she had a real good time. Then she cancelled on me the next day that we were supposed to hang out, then we got together with some other people where we went to the mall and had a grand ol' time. She said she enjoyed herself however this did not prohibit her from canceling on me again the next time we were supposed to spend time together. My point being this: if she tells her friends that I am 'cute' + she tells me & others that she enjoyed herself with me yet she cancels on me what the hell is going on. A serious mixed message.
Dating...That is just how it goes right? After conversing with the Gullivers(Rob & Johanna) it has been decided that women my age(or perhaps woman period) are into subliminally finding out who I am and my reactions to certain stimuli. Whereas I am not really subliminal at all, [perhaps it is my maturity level(whether it be low/mid/high for my age), me having a penis and all, or just Maxx] I find no point in beating around the bush. Straight forward like a good shot of liquor, it will burn your throat and make you choose your words carefully/recklessly but they will be the words you really want to say nonetheless.
People keep telling me "you are young, be single." However my point being to them: "I have no desire to get married and settle down, but my youth stage right now is calling for a progression in the relationship department. To me, that is what being young is. Plus I have been young, my psyche is ready to be an older young, which I feel I have always been but now prepared for a greater depth. I am ready to be a 20 year old Maxx Hackett."
There was this girl that I went on a date with where both she and I had a real good time, atleast the impression she gave out was that she had a real good time. Then she cancelled on me the next day that we were supposed to hang out, then we got together with some other people where we went to the mall and had a grand ol' time. She said she enjoyed herself however this did not prohibit her from canceling on me again the next time we were supposed to spend time together. My point being this: if she tells her friends that I am 'cute' + she tells me & others that she enjoyed herself with me yet she cancels on me what the hell is going on. A serious mixed message.
Dating...That is just how it goes right? After conversing with the Gullivers(Rob & Johanna) it has been decided that women my age(or perhaps woman period) are into subliminally finding out who I am and my reactions to certain stimuli. Whereas I am not really subliminal at all, [perhaps it is my maturity level(whether it be low/mid/high for my age), me having a penis and all, or just Maxx] I find no point in beating around the bush. Straight forward like a good shot of liquor, it will burn your throat and make you choose your words carefully/recklessly but they will be the words you really want to say nonetheless.
People keep telling me "you are young, be single." However my point being to them: "I have no desire to get married and settle down, but my youth stage right now is calling for a progression in the relationship department. To me, that is what being young is. Plus I have been young, my psyche is ready to be an older young, which I feel I have always been but now prepared for a greater depth. I am ready to be a 20 year old Maxx Hackett."
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Sacramento River Valley
I lived while the Moon crossed the blanket
My days were the night without grief
Never had I thought to thank it
Until the sunrise stole my nighttime like a thief
Halfway between San Francisco
And the Sierra Nevada too
I never knew the sun was this slow
Until I watched it rise with you
the World can't be read as it turns so,
fast - you learn how to abide
As you help me look to the inferno
I feel I'm being reforged inside
I thought I knew my being
Night sky covered my flaws
As my twilight is fleeing
I love the luminance you've caused
Halfway between San Francisco
And the Sierra Nevada too
I never knew the sun was this slow
Until I watched it rise with you
This is a work in progress so don't distress
My mind was wandering so I began pondering
I was humming a song by Dylan & Van letting a phrase fall into my hand
Night shift is slow at work so to keep the perk
My emotions become hysterical in order to be lyrical
Until my next transcription
Let us tell our friends of www.maxxhackett.blogspot.com and make it their addiction.
My days were the night without grief
Never had I thought to thank it
Until the sunrise stole my nighttime like a thief
Halfway between San Francisco
And the Sierra Nevada too
I never knew the sun was this slow
Until I watched it rise with you
the World can't be read as it turns so,
fast - you learn how to abide
As you help me look to the inferno
I feel I'm being reforged inside
I thought I knew my being
Night sky covered my flaws
As my twilight is fleeing
I love the luminance you've caused
Halfway between San Francisco
And the Sierra Nevada too
I never knew the sun was this slow
Until I watched it rise with you
This is a work in progress so don't distress
My mind was wandering so I began pondering
I was humming a song by Dylan & Van letting a phrase fall into my hand
Night shift is slow at work so to keep the perk
My emotions become hysterical in order to be lyrical
Until my next transcription
Let us tell our friends of www.maxxhackett.blogspot.com and make it their addiction.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
3.5 Teeth, An Unbroken Heart, Mind Altering Drugs & I have been put onto the Market
Audrey is definitely one of the better people I know. Just so every one knows, she and I are no longer officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Things had been on my mind for a few days, bothering me, and I knew that I could talk to her about anything, so we talked and we mutually decided that for where we are in our lives it is best not to be in a long distance relationship right now. Don't get me wrong, Audrey and I were doing real well, we were happy with each other, just I think we realized that under different circumstances we would be able to be together. Just yesterday I called her after the few days away time and we had a nice conversation like we were just bestfriends again. I am glad we were able to talk the way we did and hopefully it will continue.
3.5 teeth, yes .5 of a tooth. I am going under the knife Thursday morning to have both bottom wisdom teeth, my left side molar, and possibly half of my right side molar. Thus the 3.5 . It will be painful but I will be riding the lightning for most of the weekend with the hardcore painkillers. It sux cuz I won't be able to attend the Counting Crows/Goo Goo Dolls concert or go white water rafting on Sunday but oh well. For the sake of my health I guess.
Painkillers yes!!!!
Its hot here, I'm tired. Some of my friends are on missions to find me a date since I am officially 'available' despite me telling them that I am not ready to plunge into something else just yet. Personally I think they are crazy to put me on the market during the week I have a surgery and are on mind altering drugs. Not the best time for my industries to go public.
3.5 teeth, yes .5 of a tooth. I am going under the knife Thursday morning to have both bottom wisdom teeth, my left side molar, and possibly half of my right side molar. Thus the 3.5 . It will be painful but I will be riding the lightning for most of the weekend with the hardcore painkillers. It sux cuz I won't be able to attend the Counting Crows/Goo Goo Dolls concert or go white water rafting on Sunday but oh well. For the sake of my health I guess.
Painkillers yes!!!!
Its hot here, I'm tired. Some of my friends are on missions to find me a date since I am officially 'available' despite me telling them that I am not ready to plunge into something else just yet. Personally I think they are crazy to put me on the market during the week I have a surgery and are on mind altering drugs. Not the best time for my industries to go public.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sportulae Mittebat
Mom, Ira & Louise are coming on Friday and I am little stressed. It turns out there is a honor guard detail Friday afternoon that is about 2.5 hours away. I am going to ask if I can get out of it so as to be able to actually greet my family Friday afternoon/evening. Then there is a wedding detail on Sunday and they want us to be there literally all day. So I am going to suggest that my family go to Napa Valley on Sunday then Monday we will hopefully check out Lake Tahoe. There is not too much of a reason for me to get tense about this but of course I am because...well...I am me and that is what I am doing.
Since I know Sophie & Audrey read this - Sportulae mittebat.
Since I know Sophie & Audrey read this - Sportulae mittebat.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
WooooooWeeeee!!!!! Stuff has been exciting!!!
Audrey & Sophie went to prom so I called Karen Lewis and had her drop off some flowers to them since the florist that has saved me numerous times was closed on Sundays which I can not believe since it was prom and all.
Memorial day was kind of long on Honor guard. I had to do my first firing party however I psyched myself out and forgot to take the safety off on my M14 so there was no shot from my rifle. Definitely not my shining moment.
Two things in my life that I despise: Dogs (animals in general) & my Stomach(yes capitol 'S' because sometimes I feel like it has an aura of it's own)
Mom, Ira and his significant other Louise will be at Beale on Friday for the Air Show where we are expecting over 100,000 people. It will be real nice to show my mother the life I have made for myself out here.
Everyone should definitely try and see the movie "Highschool Musical." Yes, you all laugh however it is a wonderful movie with some good semi-simplistic pop songs.
Any of you who are familiar with the 1968 album "Live at Folsom" by Johnny Cash where he played at Folsom prison. I totally drove by there for an honor guard detail which I thought was pretty cool.
Question to leave you all with...How hard is it to get the person you are in love with across the country to be right next to you? In the words of Aretha..."Ya'll better Think!"
Audrey & Sophie went to prom so I called Karen Lewis and had her drop off some flowers to them since the florist that has saved me numerous times was closed on Sundays which I can not believe since it was prom and all.
Memorial day was kind of long on Honor guard. I had to do my first firing party however I psyched myself out and forgot to take the safety off on my M14 so there was no shot from my rifle. Definitely not my shining moment.
Two things in my life that I despise: Dogs (animals in general) & my Stomach(yes capitol 'S' because sometimes I feel like it has an aura of it's own)
Mom, Ira and his significant other Louise will be at Beale on Friday for the Air Show where we are expecting over 100,000 people. It will be real nice to show my mother the life I have made for myself out here.
Everyone should definitely try and see the movie "Highschool Musical." Yes, you all laugh however it is a wonderful movie with some good semi-simplistic pop songs.
Any of you who are familiar with the 1968 album "Live at Folsom" by Johnny Cash where he played at Folsom prison. I totally drove by there for an honor guard detail which I thought was pretty cool.
Question to leave you all with...How hard is it to get the person you are in love with across the country to be right next to you? In the words of Aretha..."Ya'll better Think!"
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Resonating From the Mist that is the Deep Night Sleep
So it's been a while since my last post and we will leave it at that.
Things are better, a whole lot better. Work was real tough for a little bit. A friend and I were not on the best of terms which added to the stress at work a whole lot. The UCI inspection of the entire base was in conduction so the stress level of the entire base was high. Finally the inspection ended, my shop met 100% compliance with all orders(A++) and my friend called me to work things out so that was all good.
It seems like in the past week all I have been helping people do is move their stuff. First Byrd & Stokes moved into a new place which is soon to become a new home of mine seeing as how they are probably my two closest friends here. Then I helped Rob Gulliver's sister move out of his house which was an 8 hour ordeal in itself. So I hope I don't have to move any of my stuff anytime soon cause that would suck big time. Sorting through your own baggage is tough enough, let alone another person's baggage and have to move it all.
No way around it. I am fat, husky, whatever. It is not fun. Must run faster & longer.
Lately my dreams have been quite articulate in who they have in them. I have had two dreams in the last 3 days with women i.e. friends & crushes & women who had crushes on me & women who I have just dealt with in the past. Audrey and I have analyzed them with her dream dictionary and from what we have gathered I think they are telling me that I have some relationships that I should perhaps rekindle.
So since tomorrow is Friday and hopefully most of you who are reading this will go out with friends after work perhaps for a drink, I hope you all raise your glasses to this - the rekindling of relationships that resonate in the mist that is the deep night sleep.
Things are better, a whole lot better. Work was real tough for a little bit. A friend and I were not on the best of terms which added to the stress at work a whole lot. The UCI inspection of the entire base was in conduction so the stress level of the entire base was high. Finally the inspection ended, my shop met 100% compliance with all orders(A++) and my friend called me to work things out so that was all good.
It seems like in the past week all I have been helping people do is move their stuff. First Byrd & Stokes moved into a new place which is soon to become a new home of mine seeing as how they are probably my two closest friends here. Then I helped Rob Gulliver's sister move out of his house which was an 8 hour ordeal in itself. So I hope I don't have to move any of my stuff anytime soon cause that would suck big time. Sorting through your own baggage is tough enough, let alone another person's baggage and have to move it all.
No way around it. I am fat, husky, whatever. It is not fun. Must run faster & longer.
Lately my dreams have been quite articulate in who they have in them. I have had two dreams in the last 3 days with women i.e. friends & crushes & women who had crushes on me & women who I have just dealt with in the past. Audrey and I have analyzed them with her dream dictionary and from what we have gathered I think they are telling me that I have some relationships that I should perhaps rekindle.
So since tomorrow is Friday and hopefully most of you who are reading this will go out with friends after work perhaps for a drink, I hope you all raise your glasses to this - the rekindling of relationships that resonate in the mist that is the deep night sleep.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Mind Searching
Work was tough today. Just one of those days, well the past few days of work actually. My head just hasn't been in the game or something. Things that I was able to do no problem I am now having trouble with and fucking up on. Of course there was a lapse of 1 month that I was absent due to honor guard and leave but still that is no excuse. When the mind is searching for the answer when you know the answer is close - talk about frustrating.
I am listening to Van Morrison's Tupelo Honey hoping the aroma of his voice and the scent of the band will sedate me into serenity.
I am listening to Van Morrison's Tupelo Honey hoping the aroma of his voice and the scent of the band will sedate me into serenity.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Beale Falls Expedition
Josh Yennie, Patrick Clendenning, Heather whatever & I took a little hike out to Beale Falls. It was a nice little hike on a beautiful day. California is finally the sunny california that we new englanders see on TV. Everyday is beautiful and there is really no reason to even check the weather report because you know what the weather is going to be.
After 1 month of not going into the shop I finally returned to work. It was so awesome. There were a few times where I was losing my mind because I could not remember how to do things that I had done numerous times before but it had been so long you know? Work is real nice, I forgot how nice it was to work where I do. There is bullshit, complainers and so on but we can't ask for everything in this world can we people?
Off to buckle down and do CDCs!!!!
Everyone should go invest in the live album Rock Spectacle by the Barenaked Ladies. It is dynamite.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Y'all Know What I'a Mean!
On a beautiful sunday morning I decide to procrastinate from doing my CDCs thus the blog post. For some reason since I have returned home I just can not get myself into a motivational routine. I'm unsure what the deal is.
Yesterday was a draining day. It was the first time I had the opportunity to go skiing when it was 82 degrees & sunny. You would sweat in a long sleeve shirt up the chair lift but then you would fly down the mountain and get the breeze to cool you off, rinse and repeat. It was awesome. Plus it was due to my military stanind it was free. Then we went to the Silverada Casino in Reno to have lunch. All three of us were in our service dress so we looked sharp and got a lot of attention which was nice. I still feel that the whole "a woman loves a man in uniform" is complete bullshit. I know I have never gotten a second look or a smile from women when I have been in my blues. I think that rumour was created by military men who thought they were God's gift to women or something.(I know that I know alot of men like that) We had a good lunch at the casino and then we went to the wrong funeral home so we barely made our funeral (or should I say the funeral that we had to do) @ 3:00. Then we visited this ultra nice house of family that was friends of one of the guys I was with. They were real good people. Finally we departed Reno NV to go on some exploration detours on the way back. It was a good day but a long day.
After a day like that all one would want to do is go home and crash you know? But Audrey ended up calling - need I say more!!!???!!! - just kidding. She was exactly what I needed to round off my day. We had a real nice conversation like we usually do but this was a little extra. Most people want to be embraced by their loved one after a day like I had but such a thing can not happen do to the geographical situation Audrey and I are currently in. However last night reaffirmed that with the way she treats me and I treat her that we can still give each other the sense of comfort that we are side by side.
So off to force myself to do my CDCs a.k.a. HOMEWORK!!!! So in the words of my friend Bri Wilson the Texan "Y'all know what I'a mean!"
Yesterday was a draining day. It was the first time I had the opportunity to go skiing when it was 82 degrees & sunny. You would sweat in a long sleeve shirt up the chair lift but then you would fly down the mountain and get the breeze to cool you off, rinse and repeat. It was awesome. Plus it was due to my military stanind it was free. Then we went to the Silverada Casino in Reno to have lunch. All three of us were in our service dress so we looked sharp and got a lot of attention which was nice. I still feel that the whole "a woman loves a man in uniform" is complete bullshit. I know I have never gotten a second look or a smile from women when I have been in my blues. I think that rumour was created by military men who thought they were God's gift to women or something.(I know that I know alot of men like that) We had a good lunch at the casino and then we went to the wrong funeral home so we barely made our funeral (or should I say the funeral that we had to do) @ 3:00. Then we visited this ultra nice house of family that was friends of one of the guys I was with. They were real good people. Finally we departed Reno NV to go on some exploration detours on the way back. It was a good day but a long day.
After a day like that all one would want to do is go home and crash you know? But Audrey ended up calling - need I say more!!!???!!! - just kidding. She was exactly what I needed to round off my day. We had a real nice conversation like we usually do but this was a little extra. Most people want to be embraced by their loved one after a day like I had but such a thing can not happen do to the geographical situation Audrey and I are currently in. However last night reaffirmed that with the way she treats me and I treat her that we can still give each other the sense of comfort that we are side by side.
So off to force myself to do my CDCs a.k.a. HOMEWORK!!!! So in the words of my friend Bri Wilson the Texan "Y'all know what I'a mean!"
Thursday, April 27, 2006
A doctor wouldn't diagnose me with straight homesickness but more with roots digestion. Yeah that is really cryptic and doesn't make much sense but it will if you let me explain it to you.
After going home as I did and seeing what was there in exemplum Audrey, Mom, Dad, people, peeps, Easter bunnies, 58 Winter St, the Old Port, Tabers et cetera I now have a greater sense of what home is. A connection has been made. Before the visit home to the 04210 zip code, Beale AFB was the only home my mind could come to. The two locations are so different that I could not make any sort of comparison or connection. However now that I have revisited my roots it is hard to come to terms with the fact that Auburn ME & Beale AFB CA can coexist in the same reality. I am happy to be back & sad to leave but it is how life needs to be since it is how life is.
I miss Audrey when it comes down to it though. It seems that my relationship with the Schwinn twins (Audrey & Sophie) is one where issues can not be resolved until after I have exited the same region of the country they are in. When I ventured west to Beale in December it was not until I was out here that Audrey and I were able to figure out our feelings for each other. Then Sophie and I had not spoken much with each other as much as I would have liked to and then when I returned east we worked things out a little bit but we didn't come full circle until she called me lastnight when I came back here. Those girls...sending me back forth.
P.S. If you knew how awesome the two of them are you would most definitely travel transcontinental numerous times just to have a cool conversation with them. Now those are some Roots.
After going home as I did and seeing what was there in exemplum Audrey, Mom, Dad, people, peeps, Easter bunnies, 58 Winter St, the Old Port, Tabers et cetera I now have a greater sense of what home is. A connection has been made. Before the visit home to the 04210 zip code, Beale AFB was the only home my mind could come to. The two locations are so different that I could not make any sort of comparison or connection. However now that I have revisited my roots it is hard to come to terms with the fact that Auburn ME & Beale AFB CA can coexist in the same reality. I am happy to be back & sad to leave but it is how life needs to be since it is how life is.
I miss Audrey when it comes down to it though. It seems that my relationship with the Schwinn twins (Audrey & Sophie) is one where issues can not be resolved until after I have exited the same region of the country they are in. When I ventured west to Beale in December it was not until I was out here that Audrey and I were able to figure out our feelings for each other. Then Sophie and I had not spoken much with each other as much as I would have liked to and then when I returned east we worked things out a little bit but we didn't come full circle until she called me lastnight when I came back here. Those girls...sending me back forth.
P.S. If you knew how awesome the two of them are you would most definitely travel transcontinental numerous times just to have a cool conversation with them. Now those are some Roots.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Aren't You Jealous?
Monday, April 24, 2006
So I Didn't Lose My Luggage but I Did Find Some Love that I Knew was There
I knew I loved her before I went to her. There had been times that it had almost slipped out over the phone but I held it back like a good Jockey restrains it's horse that thirsts to run wild and natural. My mother was a jockey in her younger days and she instilled in me the concept of timing. Timing can be crucial to every great story; if the plot's turning point is too sudden than the story will seem heartless whereas if the turning point is long coming the story seems more drawn out. In the Kentucky Derby-isk race that is love & life it is a definitive fact that I held back my mustang until the pivotal moment of execution and when I did allow it to burst forth, it's confession of love was of course honest but most importantly natural. In the race that is love & life there can be no hesitation nor pressure. For if hesitation exists or there is unnatural pressure to advance than one will in fact fall behind allowing the spoils to go to another victor. There existed no unnatural pressure, no hesitation in my voice and no wavering in the tone of my face.
The overhanging New England stars, covered by the threshold of her garage with the gleam off of the lake in our eyes I proclaimed my love for her and what'd ya know- she loves me too!
P.S. My time with her has been the water shed off my life up to this point. Call me if you want more details.
P.S.S. I didn't lose my luggage I just thought that it was cool in the airport and all.
The overhanging New England stars, covered by the threshold of her garage with the gleam off of the lake in our eyes I proclaimed my love for her and what'd ya know- she loves me too!
P.S. My time with her has been the water shed off my life up to this point. Call me if you want more details.
P.S.S. I didn't lose my luggage I just thought that it was cool in the airport and all.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
the Prize that Fuels the Thirst
Adventures? Many of us feel that adventures are for the rugged six packed individuals born into great timing, natural fist fighting skills and intellectual smarts to outwit any Hollywood based plot to take over the world. Some mild mannered citizens go out and buy a hat fashioning after Indiana Jones(some buy the whip fashioning after Indiana Jones too...kinky but hey at least they are adventurous) just so they can mentally place their self esteem in a Hollywood action scene.
Okay...Okay...Issue people!!!!
We earn the money to buy the hats, study to get the smarts, train to get the fighting skills, and if we are really blessed we get the six pack abs. Why is it that we overlook what really makes an adventure. The word itself spawns ideas of childish quests and epic tales that all can relate to. However we must disregard the adventures that have populated throughout our psyches. Adventure is exploration; when we explore a new way to work, have a conversation with someone who is new & different, play hide and go seek and scope out a room with a lion some witchcraft and a wardrobe that is when you go on an adventure. A lot of times, one does not end up with the girl in the end or with the nemesis behind bars or with the adventure ending in perfect timing thus allowing you to walk off into the sunset. Shit just doesn't work out that way.
Few have been able to venture from their new home returning to an old home to explore that which is the ultimate adventure; the relationship. Screw the fountain of youth, walking on the moon, journeying to the center of the earth, the holy grail, goblet of fire whatever, it is love that warrants the thrill seekers and no one else. Whether it be love between a man & a woman, parent & child, friend & friend, friend & foe this is the prize that fuels our thirsts.
I have recognized what an adventure truly is. In less than 24 hours I am off an an adventure of a lifetime. Although I lack the six pack abs and have flab, I need to get a watch for my timing, I bruise easily, and I am not the smartest guy on the block atleast in my adventure I get the pretty girl in the end.
Oh & just for clarification - (I have been doing so much of this lately) that pretty girl that I get in the end of my adventure is Audrey Schwinn. Just wanted to make sure every one was on the same page here.
Okay...Okay...Issue people!!!!
We earn the money to buy the hats, study to get the smarts, train to get the fighting skills, and if we are really blessed we get the six pack abs. Why is it that we overlook what really makes an adventure. The word itself spawns ideas of childish quests and epic tales that all can relate to. However we must disregard the adventures that have populated throughout our psyches. Adventure is exploration; when we explore a new way to work, have a conversation with someone who is new & different, play hide and go seek and scope out a room with a lion some witchcraft and a wardrobe that is when you go on an adventure. A lot of times, one does not end up with the girl in the end or with the nemesis behind bars or with the adventure ending in perfect timing thus allowing you to walk off into the sunset. Shit just doesn't work out that way.
Few have been able to venture from their new home returning to an old home to explore that which is the ultimate adventure; the relationship. Screw the fountain of youth, walking on the moon, journeying to the center of the earth, the holy grail, goblet of fire whatever, it is love that warrants the thrill seekers and no one else. Whether it be love between a man & a woman, parent & child, friend & friend, friend & foe this is the prize that fuels our thirsts.
I have recognized what an adventure truly is. In less than 24 hours I am off an an adventure of a lifetime. Although I lack the six pack abs and have flab, I need to get a watch for my timing, I bruise easily, and I am not the smartest guy on the block atleast in my adventure I get the pretty girl in the end.
Oh & just for clarification - (I have been doing so much of this lately) that pretty girl that I get in the end of my adventure is Audrey Schwinn. Just wanted to make sure every one was on the same page here.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Inflation is Still Occurring but I Found a Stride
So last night was tough, as many of you can see from my previous post that I hadn't been in the best state the past few days. Last night after my post I was just relaxing when my good friend Brittany Delaney from my trip to Great Britain IM'd me. An IM from someone such as herself was exactly what I needed. We hadn't really talked since I had came to California and it was nice to catch up even though a lot was the same with her whereas a lot was new with me. Just to know that I had a friend all the way across the way(across the continent that is) that wanted to know how I was doing was a refreshing umbrella in the rainstorm of my recent days.
After Britt and I's conversation on AIM, restlessness still overcame me and I decided to hit the sac early and start fresh next morning. Of course my bed was unable to get comfortable thus leaving me tossing and turning for a good hour until all of a sudden I heard a voice patented in heaven say..."Maxx pick up the phone it's Audrey." My phone is so awesome that I am able to set a special voice recording as a caller ID ringer for certain people so whenever Audrey calls me I have her voice telling me to pick up. It sounds stupid and weird but it is really something great. To end my rambling we talked for about 29 minutes and it was the Rx the doctor ordered since I have been unable to speak with her for about 4 days. She made things much better & all who read this have someone in their life who has the same power so don't roll your eyes and say 'Maxx is so stupid"
But a little bit of a hook to the face was when Audrey told me that due to a mandatory appointment she would be unable to be at the bus station with my mother to pick me up. We will be able to see each other later that morning but I am still pissed about this since now I have to cancel the white doves that were going to fly out from under the bus, cancel the string orchestra and opera singer and photographers. Just kidding there wasn't going to be any of that but I was imagining this Hollywood Romance reunion with her. But since the classic Soldier(in my case Airmen) getting off the bus from war to reunite with his distant sweetheart won't be able to work I am going to have to watch some Turner Classic Movies to get some other romantic reunion ideas.
Send me some reunion ideas, I'm looking for romance - tears, chocolates, flowers, horns, blue skies smiling at me, kisses in a downpour and little red corvettes. I need suggestions people!!!!
After Britt and I's conversation on AIM, restlessness still overcame me and I decided to hit the sac early and start fresh next morning. Of course my bed was unable to get comfortable thus leaving me tossing and turning for a good hour until all of a sudden I heard a voice patented in heaven say..."Maxx pick up the phone it's Audrey." My phone is so awesome that I am able to set a special voice recording as a caller ID ringer for certain people so whenever Audrey calls me I have her voice telling me to pick up. It sounds stupid and weird but it is really something great. To end my rambling we talked for about 29 minutes and it was the Rx the doctor ordered since I have been unable to speak with her for about 4 days. She made things much better & all who read this have someone in their life who has the same power so don't roll your eyes and say 'Maxx is so stupid"
But a little bit of a hook to the face was when Audrey told me that due to a mandatory appointment she would be unable to be at the bus station with my mother to pick me up. We will be able to see each other later that morning but I am still pissed about this since now I have to cancel the white doves that were going to fly out from under the bus, cancel the string orchestra and opera singer and photographers. Just kidding there wasn't going to be any of that but I was imagining this Hollywood Romance reunion with her. But since the classic Soldier(in my case Airmen) getting off the bus from war to reunite with his distant sweetheart won't be able to work I am going to have to watch some Turner Classic Movies to get some other romantic reunion ideas.
Send me some reunion ideas, I'm looking for romance - tears, chocolates, flowers, horns, blue skies smiling at me, kisses in a downpour and little red corvettes. I need suggestions people!!!!
Friday, April 07, 2006
The Balloon will Pop in 7 Days
I'm just down. Not that the glass is half empty but things have been gloomy lately. I don't consider myself a complainer but I have been to 3 funerals in 5 days( a few for anyone) for honor guard, broken my normal routine of work, it has rained literally everyday all day for the past week+, I'm really anxious to go see Audrey and home, there is little $ to spare(frankly my head is barely at surface level but I need to go home to figure things out), Verizon Wireless keeps giving me the run around, I have a CDC exam on Sunday, I feel fat & look fat, can barely run anymore, I can't talk to Audrey even though she is really the only person that can make things better for me. Events are ballooning.
My first week in Honor Gaurd is gone and done with. The people on my team are warm, generous and impressive in how they carry themselves. One of the things that prompted the past few days to make me feel like crap was one day we didn't have any ceremonies so everyone was going to eat Chinese & see a movie. I really didn't want to go spend money since I am in miser mode for the vacation in 7 days. Anyways they asked me why I wasn't going and I played off that I had errands to run and CDCs to study for but finally one member took me aside and asked me why I didn't want to go and being a frank Maxx I explained that I am saving for vacation and didn't want to spend money. He said that he would pay for me no problem which I had a major objection to since I barely know him and it would be strange for even a close friend to pick up the tab for me. Most of you know this about me. Well I went and had uneasy feelings about it from the get go, and I was going to pay my way but they already had covered me for lunch and then I was for sure going to buy my own movie ticket but another member beat me to it. Not that I don't accept other people's generosity, it just bothered because I have a job to support myself thus to pay for expenses like movies and lunch. My self worth just plummeted and there is still not much left, of course I am sure it will go up in time but right now it is dwindling here. Since then events have just ballooned into things that they should not be.
My best hopes will be that the balloon will continue to inflate and pop in an explosion of joy the minute I step off the bus in Lewiston ME and Audrey Schwinn is in my arms.
My first week in Honor Gaurd is gone and done with. The people on my team are warm, generous and impressive in how they carry themselves. One of the things that prompted the past few days to make me feel like crap was one day we didn't have any ceremonies so everyone was going to eat Chinese & see a movie. I really didn't want to go spend money since I am in miser mode for the vacation in 7 days. Anyways they asked me why I wasn't going and I played off that I had errands to run and CDCs to study for but finally one member took me aside and asked me why I didn't want to go and being a frank Maxx I explained that I am saving for vacation and didn't want to spend money. He said that he would pay for me no problem which I had a major objection to since I barely know him and it would be strange for even a close friend to pick up the tab for me. Most of you know this about me. Well I went and had uneasy feelings about it from the get go, and I was going to pay my way but they already had covered me for lunch and then I was for sure going to buy my own movie ticket but another member beat me to it. Not that I don't accept other people's generosity, it just bothered because I have a job to support myself thus to pay for expenses like movies and lunch. My self worth just plummeted and there is still not much left, of course I am sure it will go up in time but right now it is dwindling here. Since then events have just ballooned into things that they should not be.
My best hopes will be that the balloon will continue to inflate and pop in an explosion of joy the minute I step off the bus in Lewiston ME and Audrey Schwinn is in my arms.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Oh and 14 Day to Go
Although my goal is to tone up so I actually look like I exercise as much as I do it is so difficult with the awesome food that exists on planet earth. In Exemplum Cobblestone Creamery...oh my lord, the Mojo Mud Pie, peanut butter gallore amazing. It thoroughly rocked my world. After experiencing a rush like the Mojo Mud Pie I don't even know why I have to have sex now because I will just be disappointed. Just kidding but it was tasty. Plus the Japanese restaurant the Gullivers, Vance Stokes, Rob's cousin Christine and I went to last night was pretty good too. Really small portions on the lobster but delicious nonetheless.
Monday will be my first day of Honor Guard so that will be exciting. I have wanted to do it since before basic training. While at basic I was sitting in a room waiting for a briefing and on the wall there were posters and pictures of honor guard. Admiring the discipline, bearing, sharpness, devotion and respect that these guards represented it seemed like something I would really want to do. Now it is finally happening. More will be posted as it comes.
Strange Notion & Thought - Coincidences, are they coincidences or are we simply too naive to accept the bigger picture whatever the picture may be? Yes I know, this notion is cryptic and...Egyptian but aren't coincidences just that minus the Egyptian when you start to examine them? Feedback people, feedback!
Monday will be my first day of Honor Guard so that will be exciting. I have wanted to do it since before basic training. While at basic I was sitting in a room waiting for a briefing and on the wall there were posters and pictures of honor guard. Admiring the discipline, bearing, sharpness, devotion and respect that these guards represented it seemed like something I would really want to do. Now it is finally happening. More will be posted as it comes.
Strange Notion & Thought - Coincidences, are they coincidences or are we simply too naive to accept the bigger picture whatever the picture may be? Yes I know, this notion is cryptic and...Egyptian but aren't coincidences just that minus the Egyptian when you start to examine them? Feedback people, feedback!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
17 Days
17 Days until Audrey is in my arms and as my father would say "That is a beautiful thing." I am currently in miser mode conserving all of my funds so as to have a very full vacation when I am home. It will just be wonderful, there is no way it can't be amazing.
A lot has happened since my last actual post. My friend Douglas Byrd whose picture is in the previous post was suckerpunched by some Yuba City dumbass breaking his jaw in two places. This guy came out of nowheres to take out Byrd's friend and punched Byrd too. The guy was just trying to prove himself for a girl. Thats what I got the impression of from other people who were there who saw it all. Byrd is gonna have his jaw wired for at least a month and probably have bolts put in. Vance Stokes, the Gullivers and I are going to visit him today after his surgery. Hopefully everything goes okay.
I got Airmen of the Quarter for my squadron my first quarter being there. This I am totally ecstatic about, although it was my friend Lapso who did the package for me so I owe a lot to him. When I read the email saying that I got the award my first thought was "All the TIs at basic who said I would never amount to anything."
In the next 17 days I have honor guard to join, CDCs to study, mountains to ski, roads to run, cows to outrun(scary story, ask me about), computers to network, friends to make, and of course, a special lady to see...In 17 DAYS!!!!!!!
P.S. I wish people would leave more comments. That way I know people actually read this thing and don't just have me bookmarked on their Internet Explorer to make me feel good.
A lot has happened since my last actual post. My friend Douglas Byrd whose picture is in the previous post was suckerpunched by some Yuba City dumbass breaking his jaw in two places. This guy came out of nowheres to take out Byrd's friend and punched Byrd too. The guy was just trying to prove himself for a girl. Thats what I got the impression of from other people who were there who saw it all. Byrd is gonna have his jaw wired for at least a month and probably have bolts put in. Vance Stokes, the Gullivers and I are going to visit him today after his surgery. Hopefully everything goes okay.
I got Airmen of the Quarter for my squadron my first quarter being there. This I am totally ecstatic about, although it was my friend Lapso who did the package for me so I owe a lot to him. When I read the email saying that I got the award my first thought was "All the TIs at basic who said I would never amount to anything."
In the next 17 days I have honor guard to join, CDCs to study, mountains to ski, roads to run, cows to outrun(scary story, ask me about), computers to network, friends to make, and of course, a special lady to see...In 17 DAYS!!!!!!!
P.S. I wish people would leave more comments. That way I know people actually read this thing and don't just have me bookmarked on their Internet Explorer to make me feel good.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
the "Hat" of St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Hackett Mouth
n. hackett mouth - hack*ett mou*th (hac-ett mow-th) - a chronic condition predominantly found in Scot-Irish people residing in the highlands of Northern New England. Condition is usually genetic & passed along through the generations. Patient often uncontrollably tells people off and explains him/herself despite hazards of the environment. Patient often gets into trouble.
On a recent Easter Sunday my Cousin Matthew(on my mother's side) who had never met any of my mother's friends talked about how his big mouth, his "Hackett Mouth" had gotten him into trouble. My mother's friend who heard this all smiled and laughed in agreement particularly on the reference to the "Hackett Mouth," since they were well aware of my mother's ability to say exactly what she thinks. I have inherited this condition.
To many of you this may not be that big of a surpise however to others you may just smile and come to a realization about me as you read this post. I have lived with Hackett Mouth my entire life but recently the outbreaks have been more frequent. For example as many of you know I am in with Audrey Schwinn - (currently my favorite person in the world, well next to my mother and Van Morrison but Audrey understands this and knows she has to share my heart with these two other people.) Without going into detail in respect to Audrey and our relationship; she was doing something that was bugging me and I said something that I shouldn't have said at that time or much rather should not have worded the way I did and before I knew it I had another outbreak. She was big time pissed at me but thankfully our communication skills are pretty high so we worked it all out. Looking back this event can definitely be categorized as our first conflict of interest.
My hackett mouth condition although getting me into trouble can have a positive effect in the end. Definitely not all the time though. However in the case of Audrey and I my hackett mouth augmented our relationship. It was reaffirmed to me how it is okay to disagree - that's what gives the relationship its earthquakes but earthquakes forge the beautiful landscapes that make relationships worth having.
On a recent Easter Sunday my Cousin Matthew(on my mother's side) who had never met any of my mother's friends talked about how his big mouth, his "Hackett Mouth" had gotten him into trouble. My mother's friend who heard this all smiled and laughed in agreement particularly on the reference to the "Hackett Mouth," since they were well aware of my mother's ability to say exactly what she thinks. I have inherited this condition.
To many of you this may not be that big of a surpise however to others you may just smile and come to a realization about me as you read this post. I have lived with Hackett Mouth my entire life but recently the outbreaks have been more frequent. For example as many of you know I am in with Audrey Schwinn - (currently my favorite person in the world, well next to my mother and Van Morrison but Audrey understands this and knows she has to share my heart with these two other people.) Without going into detail in respect to Audrey and our relationship; she was doing something that was bugging me and I said something that I shouldn't have said at that time or much rather should not have worded the way I did and before I knew it I had another outbreak. She was big time pissed at me but thankfully our communication skills are pretty high so we worked it all out. Looking back this event can definitely be categorized as our first conflict of interest.
My hackett mouth condition although getting me into trouble can have a positive effect in the end. Definitely not all the time though. However in the case of Audrey and I my hackett mouth augmented our relationship. It was reaffirmed to me how it is okay to disagree - that's what gives the relationship its earthquakes but earthquakes forge the beautiful landscapes that make relationships worth having.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Paralleling Parents / Word Doc of Life
Isn't it interesting that despite however hard we try we seem to shadow/parallel our parents. Today was just an epiphany for me. I remember when I was a child my mother told me that she wanted to join the military when she graduated but her Dad wouldn't sign the paper that they had for women back in those days. She also told me once that she wanted to be a teacher at one point in her life whereas I did as well. Now my mind is quite made up that I want to lead my life in the direction of nursing like my mother. My compassionate nature, intellect, work ethic and characteristics would serve well in the field. I always wanted to help people. Nursing is one of the most direct ways you can help people when they are in a bind.
Another "isn't it interesting" thought is how we also sometimes follow the relationship our parents demonstrate for us. Being 19 years old, and in my opinion an old 19 (from what I have been told) I am able to really look back and examine the relationship my parents had. Frankly their relationship was crap...They didn't like each other for a long time. I thought that's just how marriages were but now I know better. Not to put my parents down or anything but they had a family to raise and got married for different reasons, I know that now. Anyways getting back to how often times our own relationships parallel that of our parents or the examples set for us I noticed that some of the relationships I have had have been similar to that which have been set for me. But ask either of my parents and they will tell you I have always been an observer and a warrior of optimism so from the examples set before me I hope I am able to work my life like a word document and cut & paste what I want...but sometimes in the word document that is your life the keyboard writes what it wants...
Another "isn't it interesting" thought is how we also sometimes follow the relationship our parents demonstrate for us. Being 19 years old, and in my opinion an old 19 (from what I have been told) I am able to really look back and examine the relationship my parents had. Frankly their relationship was crap...They didn't like each other for a long time. I thought that's just how marriages were but now I know better. Not to put my parents down or anything but they had a family to raise and got married for different reasons, I know that now. Anyways getting back to how often times our own relationships parallel that of our parents or the examples set for us I noticed that some of the relationships I have had have been similar to that which have been set for me. But ask either of my parents and they will tell you I have always been an observer and a warrior of optimism so from the examples set before me I hope I am able to work my life like a word document and cut & paste what I want...but sometimes in the word document that is your life the keyboard writes what it wants...
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Let's Get it....Off
I am currently in pain but I am holding in there. Most of you who know me know I am ridiculously hairy and well...its gone. To witness Op. Wax Maxx just click on the link.
Random shout out to Karen Lewis - hope you are enjoying yourself at work today!!! Thanx for the talk.
Work has been going really really well. It feels like I am earning my place on the team. Finally I am starting to pull my own weight when it comes to the workload since the workings & routines of the shop are more apparent to me. Life is good out here.
My friend Josh Yennie finally came back from Keesler AFB MS. I had not seen him since they moved him and the others out immediately following Katrina. During tech school we talked about how we were going to take Beale AFB & northern California for that matter by storm. Now that he is here we can finally get crackin'.
Last night was nostalgic yet defining since I went for a run in the moonlight. A 12 hour shift had already been worked and I was headed for the gym where an elliptical machine was waiting but when my sights gazed above to see the quarter moon and all the stars...There was a decision that was made without my own intervention...there was a run that had to be had. So my feet hit the pavement at 8:15ish & didn't stop until 'round 9:20ish. There were periods when the only source of light that kept me on the trail was emitting from the moon. It had rained earlier in the afternoon so there were puddles but I gave them no regard. All my ears could hear were crickets and the water draining out of the streets. My ears heard waterfalls but the light of the moon wouldn't show them to me. Lastnight was definitely a spiritual experience.
Finally, I splurged and purchased Marvin Gaye's Let's Get it On album. Although I own it on vinyl it is still something that jumped out at me at Best Buy. (Plus it was only $9.99) The album is a masterpiece. A lot of soul and R&B music of the present and the past have been all about how the singer loves the muse of the song because of sexual attraction, personality characteristics and so on. Whereas on the Let's Get it On album Marvin demonstrates two intertwined messages; 1) Sex does not have to be riskay and improper, it can be mature and serious. 2) Sex is not lust and can have a foundation of love. It is here that sex can augment the relationship between two people and that is what we are all looking for or so I hear.
Random shout out to Karen Lewis - hope you are enjoying yourself at work today!!! Thanx for the talk.
Work has been going really really well. It feels like I am earning my place on the team. Finally I am starting to pull my own weight when it comes to the workload since the workings & routines of the shop are more apparent to me. Life is good out here.
My friend Josh Yennie finally came back from Keesler AFB MS. I had not seen him since they moved him and the others out immediately following Katrina. During tech school we talked about how we were going to take Beale AFB & northern California for that matter by storm. Now that he is here we can finally get crackin'.
Last night was nostalgic yet defining since I went for a run in the moonlight. A 12 hour shift had already been worked and I was headed for the gym where an elliptical machine was waiting but when my sights gazed above to see the quarter moon and all the stars...There was a decision that was made without my own intervention...there was a run that had to be had. So my feet hit the pavement at 8:15ish & didn't stop until 'round 9:20ish. There were periods when the only source of light that kept me on the trail was emitting from the moon. It had rained earlier in the afternoon so there were puddles but I gave them no regard. All my ears could hear were crickets and the water draining out of the streets. My ears heard waterfalls but the light of the moon wouldn't show them to me. Lastnight was definitely a spiritual experience.
Finally, I splurged and purchased Marvin Gaye's Let's Get it On album. Although I own it on vinyl it is still something that jumped out at me at Best Buy. (Plus it was only $9.99) The album is a masterpiece. A lot of soul and R&B music of the present and the past have been all about how the singer loves the muse of the song because of sexual attraction, personality characteristics and so on. Whereas on the Let's Get it On album Marvin demonstrates two intertwined messages; 1) Sex does not have to be riskay and improper, it can be mature and serious. 2) Sex is not lust and can have a foundation of love. It is here that sex can augment the relationship between two people and that is what we are all looking for or so I hear.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Running Has Claimed Me - Straight Up
My system has been all screwed for the past few days. Trying to switch from living during the night to living during the day is straight up tough. This past weekend was a work weekend and I ended up only getting < 3 hours of sleep to go do this kamakaze aerobic workout for squadron PT. During the workout my head felt like a cotton ball and I saw white spots so I was unable to finish the workout which I am still pissed about. Although I usually shun excuses I think the reason why I fell out of the workout was because of lack of sleep, sleep pattern change, improper dehydration, prior fatigue since the two days before I had an amazing 8.5 mile run which lit me up. However, in time I will be back up to par.
Running has claimed me. It is official. Lifting weights is fun and it makes me look in shape but it is when I run that happiness sparks thus igniting a release from the world around me. When you run, at least when my feet hit the pavement, it is just you and the ground, you and your stride; nothing else. People may run with you perhaps causing you to run faster or longer. We all know competition prompts excellaration of some sort. With me though it is all about battling who I am, forging pride within myself. Since entering the USAF and furthering certain relationships(Audrey, Henderson, Aaron Toledo) my pride has gone up. One always has self doubts though. It keeps us in check.
Lastnight I was cruising around on MySpace, searching for a time killer when in my search there were some people from highschool that used to be my friends that no longer are. Looking back I am ashamed of myself that I was even intertwined with these people because they have no concept of self respect thus they have no respect for others and that in my opinion is where all conflicts occur. Anyways after seeing all their blogs I wanted to knock them down and show them how stupid they are. Put myself above them. It may sound wrong but it is what I want to do. These people wronged me very much and what do I want to do to show them all out - I want to race them in a run - straight up - it is weird - it is my mentallity - straight up.
Running has claimed me. It is official. Lifting weights is fun and it makes me look in shape but it is when I run that happiness sparks thus igniting a release from the world around me. When you run, at least when my feet hit the pavement, it is just you and the ground, you and your stride; nothing else. People may run with you perhaps causing you to run faster or longer. We all know competition prompts excellaration of some sort. With me though it is all about battling who I am, forging pride within myself. Since entering the USAF and furthering certain relationships(Audrey, Henderson, Aaron Toledo) my pride has gone up. One always has self doubts though. It keeps us in check.
Lastnight I was cruising around on MySpace, searching for a time killer when in my search there were some people from highschool that used to be my friends that no longer are. Looking back I am ashamed of myself that I was even intertwined with these people because they have no concept of self respect thus they have no respect for others and that in my opinion is where all conflicts occur. Anyways after seeing all their blogs I wanted to knock them down and show them how stupid they are. Put myself above them. It may sound wrong but it is what I want to do. These people wronged me very much and what do I want to do to show them all out - I want to race them in a run - straight up - it is weird - it is my mentallity - straight up.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I Want You
Back in time
I was walking on a street
Old New York in its' esteem
-is prospering beneath my feet
the mass carries me like a stream
Rapids of concrete
To my left-
was the tower of the empire state
Not quite finished yet
Lacked sweat and slate
but the scaffolds were set
I knew the height would give escape
From the height
I knew what had not yet grew
the pot was starting to melt
the pressure brought it through
for the first time I felt-
I want you
Back in time
I was seated in a row
the Globe theater was in sorrow
Another of William's tragic shows
Would give lovers rules to follow
but no one yet knows
Out in front
I'm impressed with the stage
the Language is tragic
even with the war the actors wage
I can't help but feel the magic
- of the theater's masquerade
In the finale
the future became true
the applause begun
As the lovers said adieu
I realized where I'd come
I want you
Back in time
I was walking the Appian way
Well into the glory of Rome
They were celebrating a holiday
that would never be set in stone
but the games were still played
All 'round me
I was a witness to the empire
that defined the time
When one could control the fire
With politics and wine
If one so desired
In my heart
I felt the roman view
An ancient land in law
on the roads that lead me to-
where I saw - that -
I want you
This is for Audrey...aren't you all jealous?
I was walking on a street
Old New York in its' esteem
-is prospering beneath my feet
the mass carries me like a stream
Rapids of concrete
To my left-
was the tower of the empire state
Not quite finished yet
Lacked sweat and slate
but the scaffolds were set
I knew the height would give escape
From the height
I knew what had not yet grew
the pot was starting to melt
the pressure brought it through
for the first time I felt-
I want you
Back in time
I was seated in a row
the Globe theater was in sorrow
Another of William's tragic shows
Would give lovers rules to follow
but no one yet knows
Out in front
I'm impressed with the stage
the Language is tragic
even with the war the actors wage
I can't help but feel the magic
- of the theater's masquerade
In the finale
the future became true
the applause begun
As the lovers said adieu
I realized where I'd come
I want you
Back in time
I was walking the Appian way
Well into the glory of Rome
They were celebrating a holiday
that would never be set in stone
but the games were still played
All 'round me
I was a witness to the empire
that defined the time
When one could control the fire
With politics and wine
If one so desired
In my heart
I felt the roman view
An ancient land in law
on the roads that lead me to-
where I saw - that -
I want you
This is for Audrey...aren't you all jealous?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Temporary Duty Yonder
I am so going on TDY to Langley AFB VA. It is going to be awesome, especially since Amn Bradley Price is stationed there, who is one of the coolest cats to ever grace Keesler AFB with his precense. More info later - !!!!!!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Attachments & Constrictions
Life is made up of attachments. Attachments to breathing, attachments to people, art, sex, food, movement et cetera. Constrictions make up the other half of life. Constrictions whether they be work, law of the land, physical duress, emotions, the little voice inside aka conscience. Throughout our lives there is a constant form of checks and balances existing between these two drives.
I myself have begun, for one of the first times in my life to discover how attachments and constrictions conflict with one another. For example I am in California - the rest of my friends and family are living in Maine - attachments and constrictions. I desperately want a piece of cake in the dining facility - the attachment - however I am reminded of how I want to lose weight and get into a serious shape - the constriction. Sometimes I get attached to women who are nice to me even - just because - my intellect tells me because girls were so mean to me growing up that it is in my emotional engineering to become attached to any girl that might give me a chance. Not saying that my feelings for the person in my life right now is simply because she gave me chance, hell no...my question being to all: when can we agree with the constrictions we set for ourselves concerning the attachments in our lives? Can there still be contentment or is there always rivalry?
Forgive the Vagueness
I myself have begun, for one of the first times in my life to discover how attachments and constrictions conflict with one another. For example I am in California - the rest of my friends and family are living in Maine - attachments and constrictions. I desperately want a piece of cake in the dining facility - the attachment - however I am reminded of how I want to lose weight and get into a serious shape - the constriction. Sometimes I get attached to women who are nice to me even - just because - my intellect tells me because girls were so mean to me growing up that it is in my emotional engineering to become attached to any girl that might give me a chance. Not saying that my feelings for the person in my life right now is simply because she gave me chance, hell no...my question being to all: when can we agree with the constrictions we set for ourselves concerning the attachments in our lives? Can there still be contentment or is there always rivalry?
Forgive the Vagueness
Friday, January 27, 2006
Nocturnal Orders
I am going to be working nights!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Although I am not a night person and this is going to totally screw up my system. Not to mention charge a major hindrance on my skiing for the month of February. However looking at the bright side of it all being put on nights this early in the game is really good. There is a lot of important stuff that happens on nights that they really only save for more trained personnel. I talked to the shift leader for nights and he said that he requested me because he was impressed with "the way [I] carry myself and my obvious motivation." And if any of you met this guy you would know that he is no bullshitter and plus I am a supreme bullshitter. As my grandmother always said you can't bullshit a bullshitter so the nights of February are actually looking somewhat promising.
Although I am not a night person and this is going to totally screw up my system. Not to mention charge a major hindrance on my skiing for the month of February. However looking at the bright side of it all being put on nights this early in the game is really good. There is a lot of important stuff that happens on nights that they really only save for more trained personnel. I talked to the shift leader for nights and he said that he requested me because he was impressed with "the way [I] carry myself and my obvious motivation." And if any of you met this guy you would know that he is no bullshitter and plus I am a supreme bullshitter. As my grandmother always said you can't bullshit a bullshitter so the nights of February are actually looking somewhat promising.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Looking into my Funeral
If I was deemed a mute and given the choice to have any voice I desire - there would be no conflict in my mind, I would instantly have the voice of Van Morrison. He is my favorite artist period, bar none, awesome. the album 'Tupelo Honey,' my dad had it on vinyl and I had listened to it a bunch before I came into the Air Force but I recently purchased it on cd. Although it does not have the supreme sound quality as a vinyl record does it still is friggin unbelievable. Talk about some good Folk, Celtic, Soul, Blues, Rock Music. Yes all those and much more. I highly suggest you all go pick it up.
Of course after listening to 'Tupelo Honey,' I had to listen to every other Van Morrison album that I own, which I did and I got to listen to my favorite song in the entire world, the song that will play at my funeral "Caravan" however only the live version from the album 'It's Too Late to Stop Now' that clocks in at 9:20. I read this essay by my favorite author Nick Hornsby,(High Fidelity, About a Boy) and he said that he would want that song played at his funeral as well which I thought was an eerie coincidence. The only part that may be strange about having "Caravan" play at my funeral during the service is in the bridge of the song Van introduces the band. He says "Nancy Ellis on viola...Bill Ellwood on trumpet...Jack Schoers on sax..." I don't know any of those people. It may seem kind of strange for everyone else there.
But with how passionately Nancy, Bill and Jack play their instruments on "Caravan" -
I hope the people that come to my funeral are as passionate about something as Nancy, Bill and Jack are.
P.S. Oh and in the song, the crowd does this awesome hand clap rhythm that I would hope my friends and family would get into. Just looking into my funeral I would want everyone together in this hand clap - I just think it would fit me really well.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A Day Well Spent
Moxie and I decided to venture into the hills and that is exactly what we did. Squaw Valley ski resort offers all active duty military members free skiing all season so all one has to pay for is gas. I say 'Hell Yeah!' We went from Beale AFB which is about @ 39.13°N 121.43°W and sits about 38m / 124 feet above sea level to the summit of Squaw Valley which is @ 39.61°N 120.28° W and sits 8900 feet above sea level. It was really something. At around the 3000 elevation mark is when all of a sudden there is snow. Tons of it.
Although I could find no one else to accompany Moxie and I on our endeavor into the heights of the west the day was thoroughly enjoyed. The weather was a little wet in the morning but stopped come noon. With the air clean, the snow white, the sky gray, the powder fresh and the gas tank full - the day was well spent.
Although I could find no one else to accompany Moxie and I on our endeavor into the heights of the west the day was thoroughly enjoyed. The weather was a little wet in the morning but stopped come noon. With the air clean, the snow white, the sky gray, the powder fresh and the gas tank full - the day was well spent.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Pictures to Share
Friday, January 13, 2006
Sophie Schwinn - the Black Belt
So I am finally on shift work. So that is kicking serious. Although they are 12 hours, 7:00-7:15ish I get about 1.5-2 hours for lunch and dinner and there can be alot of B.S.ing that goes down while we are all waiting for the systems to resync or reboot. The people on my shift are very entertaining and there is alot of comradery.
This morning we had PT(physical training) as a sqaudron and we had this aerobic instructor from the base come and teach a cardio kickboxing class. ***!!!She straight up sucks!!!***
I mean she is not in shape yet she teaches freakin' aerobics so that is an oxymoron to me. A large portion of my feelings stem from the fact that I took a Karate(www.pelletierskarate.com) for a while where we were doing cardio workouts & building technique/fighting skills simaltaneously. So to participate in cardio kickboxing where no technique exists and to listen to this out of shape clueless woman teach a class really pisses me off. Yes I sweat but I also feel cheated. Sweaty and Cheated.
So in my demise while I was doing cardio kickboxing for squadron participation I was thinking to myself 'wow this woman really thinks she can defend herself if she were to get into a confrontation. I would really like to confront her' however coming to my senses I realized I could not openly attack this woman expecting her to stand a chance(no ego intended) so my conclusion was that I needed my close friend Sophie Schwinn(www.livejournal.com/users/sophers89) - the black belt to come and kick this woman's ass. However Sophie is back in Maine kicking ass and taking names there so I had to survive through the entire cardio kickboxing class. But I know that if I was really in a brawl and needed someone to back me up...Sophie would be on the rescue.
This morning we had PT(physical training) as a sqaudron and we had this aerobic instructor from the base come and teach a cardio kickboxing class. ***!!!She straight up sucks!!!***
I mean she is not in shape yet she teaches freakin' aerobics so that is an oxymoron to me. A large portion of my feelings stem from the fact that I took a Karate(www.pelletierskarate.com) for a while where we were doing cardio workouts & building technique/fighting skills simaltaneously. So to participate in cardio kickboxing where no technique exists and to listen to this out of shape clueless woman teach a class really pisses me off. Yes I sweat but I also feel cheated. Sweaty and Cheated.
So in my demise while I was doing cardio kickboxing for squadron participation I was thinking to myself 'wow this woman really thinks she can defend herself if she were to get into a confrontation. I would really like to confront her' however coming to my senses I realized I could not openly attack this woman expecting her to stand a chance(no ego intended) so my conclusion was that I needed my close friend Sophie Schwinn(www.livejournal.com/users/sophers89) - the black belt to come and kick this woman's ass. However Sophie is back in Maine kicking ass and taking names there so I had to survive through the entire cardio kickboxing class. But I know that if I was really in a brawl and needed someone to back me up...Sophie would be on the rescue.
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Okay, I have been posting blogs - however - everytime I went to load the post from the Library computers there would be a crash and my entire post would be lost. In all this happened to me about 3 times so I have been holding off...until now!!!!! I got internet in my room so I will definitely be posting a hella lot more.
I am a full blown big kid everybody. I took out a loan without a co-signer from the base credit union and bought Moxie, my red 2000 VW Jetta. He is so awesome. I love this car. As I was in the credit union signing the papers I was like - "OMG Maxx, what are you doing?" Not that I was unsure about this loan or car purchase it was more of the fact of 'wow, I am actually buying a freakin car myself and excepting all the responsibility that comes along with it. It is a crazy idea.
The car is named Moxie for two reasons. My friend Ezra Horne, www.ezrahorne.blogspot.com, who happens to be one of the great cinematic geniuses of our time just no one knows it yet, has the Virginia lincense plate of his 1980 something Toyota truck say 'Moxie' and he says how in Virginia or anywheres for that matter people would see it and shout statements like 'Yeah Maine, Yeah Lisbon Falls" and so on. I dont even really care for the beverage and neither does he but it is a cool homage to our beloved state. Secondly, the word Moxie itself says alot about me. Moxie is that extra spunk, push, pep in the step, blood rush that you get when doing something. I believe that it was moxie that has brought me to Beale AFB CA, doing the job that I did not think I was going to finish the training for let alone finish with good standing. Since this is my first financial step into adulthood, Moxie is the appropriate name because it had been my fuel.
Work is going really well so far. The impression I have gotten from other my coworkers and from overhearing NCOs(non-commissioned officers[e5+]) talking I have given a good impression on everyone. My attitude walking into the shop was I want to start learning and working as soon as possible. Motivation is the key to success in my opinion. Atleast so I have heard and learned.
As I said earlier I will be posting more as the days come and the adventure expands. So long I'm into the blue -
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