Sunday, January 28, 2007

Red Sox

Sex drives us. Whether you're looking at some guy's bulging biceps or a woman's firm bust line it is what drives us to do what we do. Procreation is the fulfillment.

Does one's inability to attract reflect upon how he/she feels about sex? Say a man puts himself out to ask for a woman's phone number and is shot down(yes it happened to me tonight) for whatever reason, does it show that the man is immature in matters pertaining to sex and relationships? Some would say yes and others no. In my case it seems that two stimuli always exists phasing each other out. The nice guy and the attractor.

Through relationships, conversations and experiences I have been told and consider myself a mature and (some might say attractive) "ideal" man. In confidence I am told such things yet when I am put in the position to be viewed as more than a 'nice guy' or as 'dating material' I am disqualified and my character sieses to matter. Women, who care just as much as men to procreate seek the attractor with his biceps that defend and arrogance that they later can't stand to mate with. Does my inability to attract in typical situations with the oppisitte sex reflect on an inability (in the end) to procreate?

Most of the questions asked have already been answered in my mature and ideal mind. This is not how I really think...such a post is raised by frustration. I feel like the red sox, in their case where it took almost 100 years before they fulfilled their purpose as a team which was to win. Yes they tasted victory in the end but it was such a long and hard road where victory was only tasted momentarily. Perhaps love is the same way, or in my case at least, a long hard drive down the line with catalysts giving you an inch forward then setting you back a yard until fulfilment is reached but like the Red Sox, only for a second and then it will be gone.

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