Sunday, August 27, 2006

Aug. 22 - yes it was a special day

I am officially a 20 something now. The sad thing being that in my immediate area there are no coffee shops around to reside at like most 20 somethings do on sit coms. Other than that I am doing well.

Friends are wonderful. Cheryl, Lacy & Joannie woke me up on Tuesday, (my birthday) with a sweet pair of Addidas, cards from each, and a cake. It reminded me of when I was little, my mother would let me open up a present on the morning of my birthday and then I would wait until later in the day to open the rest. She is great like that.

To have people that can give you the same comfort while away from home as you get from those who are at home is a special gift. To realize something like this on my birthday was the best coincidence that has occured in my life for a while.

Now Cheryl is here and some new surprise is going to happen - don't get any ideas people.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The title makes no sense jut felt like adding some flavor to the internet mindlessness.

Its been a while and still dont feel like adding a post and my new best friend Cheryl just showed up so I will be back later.