Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sacramento River Valley

I lived while the Moon crossed the blanket
My days were the night without grief
Never had I thought to thank it
Until the sunrise stole my nighttime like a thief

Halfway between San Francisco
And the Sierra Nevada too
I never knew the sun was this slow
Until I watched it rise with you

the World can't be read as it turns so,
fast - you learn how to abide
As you help me look to the inferno
I feel I'm being reforged inside

I thought I knew my being
Night sky covered my flaws
As my twilight is fleeing
I love the luminance you've caused

Halfway between San Francisco
And the Sierra Nevada too
I never knew the sun was this slow
Until I watched it rise with you

This is a work in progress so don't distress
My mind was wandering so I began pondering
I was humming a song by Dylan & Van letting a phrase fall into my hand
Night shift is slow at work so to keep the perk
My emotions become hysterical in order to be lyrical
Until my next transcription
Let us tell our friends of www.maxxhackett.blogspot.com and make it their addiction.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

3.5 Teeth, An Unbroken Heart, Mind Altering Drugs & I have been put onto the Market

Audrey is definitely one of the better people I know. Just so every one knows, she and I are no longer officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Things had been on my mind for a few days, bothering me, and I knew that I could talk to her about anything, so we talked and we mutually decided that for where we are in our lives it is best not to be in a long distance relationship right now. Don't get me wrong, Audrey and I were doing real well, we were happy with each other, just I think we realized that under different circumstances we would be able to be together. Just yesterday I called her after the few days away time and we had a nice conversation like we were just bestfriends again. I am glad we were able to talk the way we did and hopefully it will continue.

3.5 teeth, yes .5 of a tooth. I am going under the knife Thursday morning to have both bottom wisdom teeth, my left side molar, and possibly half of my right side molar. Thus the 3.5 . It will be painful but I will be riding the lightning for most of the weekend with the hardcore painkillers. It sux cuz I won't be able to attend the Counting Crows/Goo Goo Dolls concert or go white water rafting on Sunday but oh well. For the sake of my health I guess.

Painkillers yes!!!!

Its hot here, I'm tired. Some of my friends are on missions to find me a date since I am officially 'available' despite me telling them that I am not ready to plunge into something else just yet. Personally I think they are crazy to put me on the market during the week I have a surgery and are on mind altering drugs. Not the best time for my industries to go public.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My Momma Came & Visited Me

She's my bestfriend.

Life has been exhausting. Totally exhausting. I have a little bit before my Honor Guard detail for a post so I guess I have to hurry along.

There has not been a free day since before Memorial day. We had atleast 2 details in honor guard every day and if we only had 1 than the detail was a marathon of a drive away. Driving 200+ miles every day for about 1 week straight tires you out real quick. House sitting isn't that bad, its when there are two dogs that shit on the floor when you try to be nice to them and you have to pick it up that it sucks. My hatred & lack of patience for animals has been seriously augmented after watching two dogs for 10 days. Plus not sleeping in your own bed and being away from all of your stuff just offsets your routine you know?

My Mom came and visited me though and that was awesome!!! My brother bugs me, he is way too materialistic and snotty for my liking. My Mom and I had an awesome time though. We went to old Sacramento, the Beale AFB Air Show and Lake Tahoe. Being able to have her see the life I have made for myself out here, on my own. It makes me proud to know that she is proud of me. When we parted ways on Tuesday night my eyes only watered up a little bit when I was driving off. She said that her eyes only watered up a little bit too.

It was Audrey & Sophie's birthday on Tuesday. I sent Sophie the Barenaked Ladies album 'Rock Spectacle' and Audrey Huey Lewis & the News' Greatest Hits. Hopefully they like the albums, each gift somewhat reminded me of each birthday girl. For the record I am totally in love with Audrey Schwinn especially when she blushes.

Isn't it nice knowing that you aren't turning out half bad?

Wedding at the General's House

Honor Guard did a very nice job at the wedding this past Sunday. Definitely the prettiest wedding I have ever been to even though I have not been to many. A full military wedding, even the slap on the Bride's ass with the sword with a "Welcome to the Air Force!"

Another post will be coming up soon.