Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lasagna & Bullshit Contracts

Last night I demonstrated my culinary prowess with a fantastic vegitable lasagna. The Gulliver's allowed me to utilize their kitchen. I think the key to it was how I did not use the cop out Ricotta cheese for the filling. The Italian cook book I had showed a bechamel sauce consisting of

3 cups of milk
1 cup of flour
1 bay leaf
3 blades mace (I used grounded mace)
Romano/Parmesan cheese
Salt & Pepper

You just cook the milk in a sauce pan on low for 2-3 minutes then add everything else and just sitr it with a wire wisk forever (6-8 minutes) probably more and it becomes thick and full of calories thus very tastey.

I suggest everyone go onto for the full article but I am extremely angry about how the Army has decided not to buy an Israeli system called "Trophy" which uses radar attached to a vehicle to shoot incoming RPG(Rocket Propelled Grenades) out of the sky before they hit our troops.

Israeli tests show "Trophy" as being more than 90% accurate in its ability to protect the vehicles it is attached to. The Pentagon conducted an investigation of its own on the "Trophy" system and found that it maintained a 98% accuracy rate.

Israel and other nations are already using "Trophy" on their vehicles to protect their troops but the US Army is not. Why you ask? Because Raytheon, a favorite defense contractor, of whom many of their employees I work with on my own job, already have a contract to develop a similar system to "Trophy." However such a system is not proposed to be finished until 2011. Suppossedly the Army can not drop out of it's contract with Raytheon even though they have not even started on the product yet. For all those military members who know about contracts they know that it takes forever for the product to get to where it is needed and alot of times it is faulty. Everyone knows politics and the concept of quid pro quo.

People like me, Maxx, are dieing in Iraq and Afgahnistan because of RPGs hitting our vehicles. There exists a defense system that has a 98% protection rate however it will not be purchased and implemented due to political ties and financial contracts.

1 comment:

Ezra said...

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

George Washington