Saturday, March 11, 2006

Paralleling Parents / Word Doc of Life

Isn't it interesting that despite however hard we try we seem to shadow/parallel our parents. Today was just an epiphany for me. I remember when I was a child my mother told me that she wanted to join the military when she graduated but her Dad wouldn't sign the paper that they had for women back in those days. She also told me once that she wanted to be a teacher at one point in her life whereas I did as well. Now my mind is quite made up that I want to lead my life in the direction of nursing like my mother. My compassionate nature, intellect, work ethic and characteristics would serve well in the field. I always wanted to help people. Nursing is one of the most direct ways you can help people when they are in a bind.

Another "isn't it interesting" thought is how we also sometimes follow the relationship our parents demonstrate for us. Being 19 years old, and in my opinion an old 19 (from what I have been told) I am able to really look back and examine the relationship my parents had. Frankly their relationship was crap...They didn't like each other for a long time. I thought that's just how marriages were but now I know better. Not to put my parents down or anything but they had a family to raise and got married for different reasons, I know that now. Anyways getting back to how often times our own relationships parallel that of our parents or the examples set for us I noticed that some of the relationships I have had have been similar to that which have been set for me. But ask either of my parents and they will tell you I have always been an observer and a warrior of optimism so from the examples set before me I hope I am able to work my life like a word document and cut & paste what I want...but sometimes in the word document that is your life the keyboard writes what it wants...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, this comment was supposed to go under the "hackett mouth" post... not sure how it got here.... (K.)