Saturday, July 01, 2006

the Older Young

Recovery for my wisdom teeth has gone well. My mouth hurt like hell on Sunday though, it was throbbing throughout the whole day and there were times when I didn't even want a mouth. However I have came through it despite there still being holes in my mouth plus the feeling of absent teeth.

There was this girl that I went on a date with where both she and I had a real good time, atleast the impression she gave out was that she had a real good time. Then she cancelled on me the next day that we were supposed to hang out, then we got together with some other people where we went to the mall and had a grand ol' time. She said she enjoyed herself however this did not prohibit her from canceling on me again the next time we were supposed to spend time together. My point being this: if she tells her friends that I am 'cute' + she tells me & others that she enjoyed herself with me yet she cancels on me what the hell is going on. A serious mixed message.

Dating...That is just how it goes right? After conversing with the Gullivers(Rob & Johanna) it has been decided that women my age(or perhaps woman period) are into subliminally finding out who I am and my reactions to certain stimuli. Whereas I am not really subliminal at all, [perhaps it is my maturity level(whether it be low/mid/high for my age), me having a penis and all, or just Maxx] I find no point in beating around the bush. Straight forward like a good shot of liquor, it will burn your throat and make you choose your words carefully/recklessly but they will be the words you really want to say nonetheless.

People keep telling me "you are young, be single." However my point being to them: "I have no desire to get married and settle down, but my youth stage right now is calling for a progression in the relationship department. To me, that is what being young is. Plus I have been young, my psyche is ready to be an older young, which I feel I have always been but now prepared for a greater depth. I am ready to be a 20 year old Maxx Hackett."

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