Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finals Week

I am almost done. This semester that is. I have pushed myself hard, some would say to my limits. There was a period for about a month where my body, mind and spirit didn't have much left to give. Lisa dying, my car breaking down, work, school, disorganized and often non existent sleep schedule, and trying to figure out plans for my life come March 09 when I am out of the air force.

Wonderful people have come into my life in the past 4 months. Jesus, Lesley, Jesse, Grant. People who I look forward to having in my life to come. 

More later, but a closing statement is that I am on my way in a college education. For a kid who thought he was not college material (and at times still feels that way) that is pretty good. Once I get this degree and figure out how to get this girl to fall in love with me I will be set.

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