Saturday, April 01, 2006

Oh and 14 Day to Go

Although my goal is to tone up so I actually look like I exercise as much as I do it is so difficult with the awesome food that exists on planet earth. In Exemplum Cobblestone Creamery...oh my lord, the Mojo Mud Pie, peanut butter gallore amazing. It thoroughly rocked my world. After experiencing a rush like the Mojo Mud Pie I don't even know why I have to have sex now because I will just be disappointed. Just kidding but it was tasty. Plus the Japanese restaurant the Gullivers, Vance Stokes, Rob's cousin Christine and I went to last night was pretty good too. Really small portions on the lobster but delicious nonetheless.

Monday will be my first day of Honor Guard so that will be exciting. I have wanted to do it since before basic training. While at basic I was sitting in a room waiting for a briefing and on the wall there were posters and pictures of honor guard. Admiring the discipline, bearing, sharpness, devotion and respect that these guards represented it seemed like something I would really want to do. Now it is finally happening. More will be posted as it comes.

Strange Notion & Thought - Coincidences, are they coincidences or are we simply too naive to accept the bigger picture whatever the picture may be? Yes I know, this notion is cryptic and...Egyptian but aren't coincidences just that minus the Egyptian when you start to examine them? Feedback people, feedback!

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